ECO Work-Environmental Control Officer Work / Monitoring

The task is offered to ensure that environmental compliance is achieved by the contractors and subcontractors as per authorized by the environmental authorization during the construction, operational and decommissioning phase. The ECO Ensure that all the environmental specifications and recommendations specified within the EMP are adhered to on site.

The ECO ensures that environmental training to all contractors and subcontractors is facilitated; so that they are aware of the manner they should handle the environment during and after construction. The ECO ensures and advices contractor and the client on the suitable, efficient migratory measures that should be employed

Public Participation Processes

This process plays a significant role within the EIA &BAprocess,sinceitensuresStakeholder engagement,Facilitationofmeetingsand engagement with InterestedandAffected parties withintheproposeddevelopmentarea.Public involvement is a major component of the EIA process, which is a crucial component in the Environmental Impact Assessment process. The organization comprises of its own public participation unit, with environmentally qualified individual who are able to communicate in various South African languages. This unit offers various public participation processes related to environmental projects..


Environmental Impact Assessments(EIA's) & Basic Assessment(BA) processes

Full Environmental impact assessment and basic assessment are conducted to projects that are listed within the EIA regulations in terms of the 1998 NEMA, in order to obtain environmental authorization as they are triggered activity within the EIA regulations The process ensures that appropriate specialist studies are adopted and conducted for the specific projects. Making sure that qualified and responsible individual within the organization are complying according to the EIA regulations.

Compilation of Environmental Management Programmers (EMPr)

Ensures that compliance with environmental regulations is being achieved. The process provides appropriate migratory measures that should be employed client and its contractor to ensure that efficient environmental care is adhere to in during the operation,construction and decommissioning phase of the development. It allows monitoring of the pre construction,construction;operation and rehabilitation phase, and also provide appropriate environmental management plans that should be employed for specific projects. The process indicates the party responsible for implementing the environmental measures and action plans laid out in the EMPr.

This process encourages good management practices through planning and commitment to environmental issues. It define how the management of activities and their impact on the environment should be mitigated Provide rational and practical environmental conditions requirements as follows. Develop waste management practices based on prevention, Minimization, recycling, treatment or disposal of waste. Describe all monitoring procedures required to identify impacts on the environment. Train the Applicant, its employees and contractors with regard to their environmental obligations. The EMPr is a dynamic document that should be continually updated, when required.

Water use License Applications(WULA)

Water use is defined broadly, and includes taking and storing water, activities which reduce stream flow, waste discharges and disposals, controlled activities (activities which impact detrimentally on a water resource), altering a watercourse, removing water found underground for certain purposes, and recreation. In general a water use must be licensed unless it is listed in Schedule I, is an existing lawful use is permissible under a general authorization, or if a responsible authority waives the need for a license (national water act, 1998).

Water use authorization applications are requirements that must be submitted when applying for water use. In order to ensure that the nation’s water resources are protected, used, developed, conserved, managed and controlled in ways which take into account meeting the basic human needs of present and future generations, water use licenses are deemed necessary(national water act, 1998).

Mining Permits & Mining Rights Applications

We are responsible for conducting mining permit/Rights applications for any proposed work that Requires Authorization according to Section 27 of the Mineral And Petroleum Resources Development Act, Act28 of 2002. Icebo have been involved in obtaining mining permits and rights for various organizations.

Waste Management

Waste management is also our core focus in the business as we have been involved in numerous waste management project i.e. landfill sites in KZN and Northern Cape provinces.The principal member of the company, Our top management is currently pursuing her masters in waste management at UKZN